Did Rick Petko leave OCC to join Paul Jr at his Paul Jr Designs? No , he's started. Rick petko has quit occ and has joined pjd according to the series. Where is rick from.
OCC is falling apart. They wont last long. Sr. Pushing him to. I just seen the preview again. Rick said, "I'm going to tell Sr. I quit" It will air Monday at 9est. OCC Updates; Paul Jr. Building New Shop, Rick Petko Leaves and More. Of course, we have the root of all of this, Orange County Choppers and they seem to be. Rick Petko Leaves Occ
Rick will leave OCC by the end of the season - Topic - Forums
Did Rick Petko leave occ - The Q&A wiki
Did Rick Petko leave OCC to join Paul Jr at his Paul Jr Designs ... the team" info for rick on the occ website you will read there that he lives down in PA now working on his own projects and has his own shop..so i guess he did quit.
OCC Updates; Paul Jr. Building New Shop, Rick Petko Leaves and More
Being a motorcycle enthusiast he was determined to join Orange County Choppers which he eventually did. Rick joined the firm in the year 2003 as a fabricator and designer. Rick Petko left occ for pjd? - Yahoo! Answers No , he's started his own shop back in PA.
did rick of occ quit Rick Petko leaves OCC | Everything Car Shows and more!!